- There was 1,743,092,995 (one billion, seven hundred and forty-three million, ninety two thousand, nine hundred and ninety five) tonnes of sugar produced in 2008.
- The very first sugar refinery was built in NYC in 1690
- Sugar is Australia's 2ND biggest export crop, valued at more than $1 billion per year
- Australia has 25 sugar mills
- In total, Australia has exported over 389 million tonnes of sugar
- The average American consumes nearly 19.55kg of sugar each year
- It takes China nearly 99 minutes to make 45g of sugar while it takes Singapore around 2.2 minutes
- Since 1990 the cost of producing refined sugar has dropped nearly 3%
- There are anywhere from 6 to 37 species of sugar cane plant, which can grow anywhere from 2 - 6 metres long
- the average sugar cane farm is around 60 hectares.
- There are about 7200 sugar cane farmers in Australia
- More than 545,000 hectares are used for growing sugar cane